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About HappiNest

HappiNest is an emotional wellbeing platform, committed to accompanying new parents throughout their journey from conception to delivery and beyond. 


In a landscape where pregnancy care often prioritizes physical health, the emotional needs of expecting and new parents are often overlooked. Our primary focus is on providing essential emotional and mental wellbeing support during the perinatal period, with an innovative approach that is both preventive - by supporting and preparing families for the upcoming changes - and corrective - by assisting families already navigating postpartum challenges. 


As a pioneering initiative in India, HappiNest aims to ensure a healthy start to parenthood for all families.

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Our Founder


Dr. Paridhi Mehra

With a medical background and an MBA, Paridhi brings over 8 years of experience in the digital health space. She has served as a product leader at various organizations, spearheading transformative initiatives such as developing technology solutions for public health programs in India, creating patient management platforms for public health across 16 countries and has made significant contributions in the areas of women's health, employee wellness, telemedicine, and home healthcare.


As a toddler mother herself, she understands the challenges of parenting and has navigated the challenges of postpartum depression (PPD) herself. Her personal journey ignited her passion for enhancing mental wellness and emotional support for growing families.

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The HappiNest Story

It began with the conception of our baby. We felt fortunate, armed with resources and knowledge, we made informed decisions every step of the way. We planned our pregnancy meticulously, choosing one of the leading birthing chains in the country. I attended regular antenatal visits, underwent necessary tests, and participated in webinars. However, despite all this preparation, not one person warned me about the most common complication of childbirth.


I read every pregnancy book available, striving to keep myself and the baby healthy. I didn't experience any major issues throughout the pregnancy, save for occasional back pain and leg cramps. But since the time I got pregnant, I started worrying a lot about something or the other. Be it my baby's health, or how I looked, or how my relationship with my husband might change.


When the time came, an emergency C-section was necessary due to low amniotic fluid. Despite the unexpected turn, our baby arrived happy and healthy at 37 weeks, marking a beautiful moment in our lives. However, the initial days post-delivery were challenging. Sleep-deprived and disoriented, returning home felt like stepping into a parallel universe, familiar yet entirely different. Despite the support of my husband and mother, I felt isolated, constantly exhausted, and overwhelmed.


The journey ahead was tough. I felt lost, isolated, and depressed. It took nearly an year to navigate through the fog, reclaim control of my life, and come to terms with the new reality.


What did I lose in all of this? My baby's first year, the most precious time, passed by in a blur. 


I spent the next whole year trying to be a good mother, bonding with my baby, and navigating through the challenges. Amidst all this, I came to realize that what I had been experiencing had a name: "Postpartum Depression," which affects 22% of women after childbirth. I read all I could on postpartum depression, parenting, and regaining control of my life.


Going through all of this firsthand, I couldn't help but notice how underrated and under-discussed this issue is. It struck me deeply that many women might be enduring similar struggles. For some, the situation might be even more challenging and serious than what I experienced. Realizing this, I felt compelled to take action.


And so, the idea for HappiNest was born: a place where expecting and new parents can find support, guidance, and understanding. 


Interested in joining us on this mission, seeking support, or simply want to talk? We are open and ready to listen.

©2024 by HappiNest.Life

Happinest does not handle medical or psychological emergencies, including thoughts of self-harm or severe clinical disorders.

If you find yourself in such distressing circumstances, we strongly advise seeking immediate assistance at the nearest hospital or emergency room. For further support, find a suicide helpline for your country here.

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